
Hi I’m Joanne. I love breaking down problems to their core and generating creative solutions. In my practice, I challenge myself to grow in making social impact through design.

On this website you can find out more about me and you can find a selection of my portfolio. Scroll down to see what I’m working on right now.

Recent projects

I was attending the elective courses ‘Inclusive Design’, ‘Material Driven Design’ and ‘Computer Sketching’. The goal of the project for Inclusive Design was to design something for visually impaired people to improve their cooking experience, which is relevant to a broad and inclusive target group. In the Material Driven Design course, analyzing the technical and experiential qualities of a material was used as a basis for designing. The material of my design group is the composite of cow dung and soil: a biodegradable, antibacterial, lightweight, water repellent and cheap material. Our goal was to make the user experience better by manipulating the surface qualities. Some results of the Computer Sketching course can be found on the page ‘Design Drawing‘.

Inclusive Design: experiencing cooking with reduced vision to understand the target group
Material Driven Design: enhancing surface qualities of cow dung composite
Computer sketching: binoculars